How It Began

The famous line from Alec Baldwin in the movie Glengarry, Glen Ross, a classic suspense movie from 1992 about the struggles of salesmen in the real estate industry. While the industry is different, the situations and struggles resonated with many people in the recruiting industry in the early 2000s and the line became ingrained in the recruitment and sales-focused sectors.

We took a spin on this phrase and created a series of podcasts and video interviews with top recruiters and agencies in the industry here in Japan in order to highlight some of the topics and issues that recruiters face today, share information in the market, and help recruiters improve their careers.

Become a closer today. Subscribe to our channels and stay up-to-date on what’s going on in the recruitment industry to close your next deal.

Our Vision

We want to be a place where experienced recruiters can share their knowledge and promote their agencies and culture.

We also want to be a community of recruiters to help people interested in the recruitment industry in Japan get in touch with the right people.


"You're only as good as your last placement"
-Any Recruiter

Our Brands

Closers is a recruitment branding platform to share information about the recruitment market in Japan.

Motionworks Media is a media consulting company focused on developing engaging content for employer branding and talent attraction.

Motionworks Careers is an employer branding and talent attraction platform to promote companies and engage with candidates.

Motionworks Learning is an online learning platform for creating interactive learning content for educators, trainers and corporations.

Our Team

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